"I know what I should do, but I'm jut not doing it!"
Can we talk about "The Disconnect"?
Sound familiar? Self-sabotage is a real thing and its frustrating, baffling and it makes you feel fundamentally broken inside. 

You're on the hamster wheel of doing too much, for everyone else but yourself, which leads you to feeling burned out by the end of the day. 

So you reach for the one thing you know will bring relief and you tell yourself,

"I'll just have one to relax".

But one turns into two, and pretty soon a whole bottle is gone before you realize it. How did that even happen??

You wake up the next morning and you feel like crap, your family is mad at you and you don't even remember why. 

It's such an awful feeling and you can't escape it.

This is typically when the questions start. They go something like this: 

"Why am I drinking so much? Is it too much? Does this mean I'm an alcoholic? Does this mean I'll have to stop drinking forever? Or go to rehab or AA?"

Then the dread sets in... 

"What will my friends think? What will the people at work say? What about the holidays? How do I handle all the parties? What do I say when they ask why I'm not drinking?" 

Listen, this is more typical than you might imagine. Alcohol is addictive, and nobody talks about it.

But you don't have to figure out how to quit drinking alcohol by yourself, or even go to rehab or AA. Honestly, if you could have figured it out by yourself, wouldn't you have done it already? 

In reality, all the information is already out there, but there is a disconnect between knowing what you should do, and actually applying it. If you really want to quit drinking alcohol, you need a combination of the right information along with feedback and support to help you get unstuck, and start living a joyful life free from alcohol.

This is where I come in..

I have been working with women to quit drinking alcohol for over 25 years.

There are plenty of tools and strategies, than when used correctly, can help you kick the cravings and elevate your life to a new level. When you are ready to let go of what's been holding you back, you can become the person you were always meant to be. 

There is hope... I can help. 

Let's talk!
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